How many emails I can forward per day?

Paid versions of Multi Email Forward can forward an unlimited number of email messages. However, the forwarding of emails is throttled by Google: 500 emails per day for free G Suite / Gmail accounts and 2000 emails for paid G Suite / Gmail accounts. Details are here

How many emails I can migrate per day?

Paid versions of Multi Email Forward can migrate an unlimited number of email messages with a speed of up to 30K messages per day.

What is difference between migrate and forward?

Email migration is a process in which a large number of email messages are transferred from one email account to another email account. This process uses Google Gmail API to copy emails.

Email forwarding refers to the operation of resending email messages from your inbox to a different email address. It is used when you want to send emails to your CRM, colleague, etc. Email forwarding will not preserve email meta-data (such as labels).

More details are here.

How many messages can be added to the forward queue at once?

The free version of Multi Email Forward limits the size of the forward queue to 50 emails. However, the paid version does not have any limits.

What are the limitation and requirements for migration?

The main requirement for migration is that IMAP must be enabled for the account and the label you are migrating. Details are here.

Can I use Multi Email Forward (bulk forward) to migrate my historic emails to HubSpot?

Yes. Multi Email Forward fully supports the migration of emails from Gmail into HubSpot.
The key is:

  1. The sent emails should be forwarded to Hubspot BCC email address with the option preserve metadata enabled
  2. The received emails should be forwarded to Hubspot forward email address without the option preserve metadata enabled

The instructions on how to do that are in the following support note: How use Multi Email Forward to log old emails to HubSpot.

How can I forward individual emails without including the entire Gmail conversation thread?

To forward only the first email in the conversations without replies or forwards, disable Gmail conversations, and select email messages to forward.
More details on how to forward email messages without including entire conversations can be found in the following support note:
How can I forward individual emails without including the entire Gmail conversation thread?.

I began forwarding emails and cloudHQ is forwarding email replies and forwards as well. How can I exclude these from the forwarded emails?

To forward only the first email in the conversations without replies or forwards, disable Gmail conversations, and select email messages to forward.
More details on how to forward email messages without including entire conversations can be found in the following support note:
How can I forward individual emails without including the entire Gmail conversation thread?.

How can I transfer large amount of email between Gmail accounts?

If you need to move (transfer/copy) a lot of emails between Gmail accounts, we recommend setting up an email migration (instead of migrate). For guidance on migrating all emails within a label, check out the support article How to migrate all emails in the label using Multi Email Forward. For step-by-step instructions on how to transfer and migrate all your emails and labels, see the support article How to migrate all emails from one Gmail account to another using the cloudHQ website wizard or How to migrate all emails using Multi Email Forward.

Where can I find the emails from the Sent folder of the source Gmail account after they have been forwarded to destination Gmail account?

The sent emails will be inside the Gmail label named ‘Sent from (source email address)’. More details in the article about Understanding Gmail Sent label