Email parsing: What is an advanced parsing rule?

An advanced parsing rule in the cloudHQ sheets dashboard editor is a rule that defines how exporting process should process and interpret a particular type of data in a Gmail message. Advanced parsing rules are used to improve data interpretation accuracy, and enable the program to process data more efficiently. These types of rules are […]

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Email parsing: How to save and import your rules

The email parsing editor of a Google Sheets tool has a built-in feature to save and load customized parsing parameters, allowing users to apply similar rules to different high-volume email analysis tasks. With this feature, users can duplicate their parsing settings from one job to the next, adapting to new projects with minor revisions and saving time while maintaining consistency.

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Email parsing: Parsing Editor Overview

Export Emails to Google Sheets allows you to extract data from your email messages. Email parser rules can be configured to pull specific data fields from incoming emails. By doing so they allow you to convert an unstructured email into easy-to-handle structured data.

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Email parsing: How to parse tables in email messages

Sometimes, data you need to extract from your email message is formated as a table. For exmaple, your email messaage can look like this: When you open parsing editor to parse this email you will see tab called Tables. To extract this table, click on Tables and just hightlight table columns: Automatically find all bounced […]

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