Inside cloudHQ – Walkthrough of cloudHQ’s main dashboard

In the digital age, where efficiency is king, cloudHQ stands as a monolithic structure of productivity, offering a suite of tools that cater to every facet of online work. Let’s embark on a detailed exploration of cloudHQ‘s main dashboard, where users, upon logging in, find themselves at the nerve center of their digital toolkit. AI […]

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IT Admin: How to backup all Dropbox Business accounts to Google Drive

With cloudHQ, you can set up a real-time backup of all your Dropbox Business accounts to one central Google Drive. Real-time data backup will automatically make a backup copy of every change made to your Dropbox files. cloudHQ is essentially capturing every version of your Dropbox files and saving them to Amazon S3. It allows […]

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Video: How to enhance your email productivity with Chrome extensions

The video presents a premium package with over 65 email management Chrome extensions aimed at boosting productivity. Key features include exporting emails to Google Sheets for better organization, saving emails as PDFs with encryption and password protection, multi-email forwarding, sharing of Gmail labels and emails, and customizable Gmail email templates.

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Video: How to enhance your email management with Chrome extensions

This video presents a premium package of 65 Chrome extensions aimed at enhancing email productivity by including features for efficient data management through an extension that exports emails to Google Sheets, secure information storage by saving emails as PDFs, and improved collaboration via Gmail label and email sharing.

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Subscription plans – Mobile Text Campaigns

Here is a short overview: Free Plan allows limited text campaign with default signature Paid Plan allows text campaigns according to messages allocation per month on plan bought   Service / Feature Free Plan Premium Basic Plan Premium Plan Premium Plus Plan Your own phone number ✅ ✅ ✅ Voice Mail ✅ ✅ ✅ Receive […]

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Saving Selected Email Conversations to Google Drive

Saving Selected Conversations to Google Drive Now that you know how to save one email – let’s get fancy and save a bunch of emails. What I love about the cloudHQ tool is its intuitive nature. The more I use it, the easier it is to organize my emails quickly. Let me show you how. […]

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How to disable plain text mode in Gmail

Wondering how to disable plain text mode in Gmail? In Gmail, you can easily send messages either using rich HTML formatting or just plain text. Click ‘Compose‘ in your Gmail’s left navigation bar: Click the ‘More options’ (three dots) in the email composition pop-up window: Make sure the ‘Plain text‘ mode is not checked.:

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