How to back up Salesforce with cloudHQ

When cloudHQ replicates Salesforce to another cloud service (e.g. Dropbox) the following two virtual folders contain data sufficient for full or single-file restore of your Salesforce environment: Data Export – this folder contains the following: All CSV exports of all Salesforce objects All ZIP files created by Salesforce scheduled export (i.e., if you manually schedule […]

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How to sync shared files in Google Drive

Here is how to sync shared files or files with sharing permissions in Google Drive (instead of actually making copies of the files). In modify options, select or enable “migrate sharing meta-data to new domain” Note: In order to transfer files by transferring the ownership, the accounts that own these files must be authorized by […]

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How to know if you are using Basecamp or Basecamp Classic

Here are short instructions for how to find the difference between Basecamp and Basecamp Classic. 1. Go to and sign into your project: 2. You are using Basecamp if you see something like this: 3. You are using Basecamp Classic if you see something like this:

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How to use sync templates to sync Basecamp

NOTE: To understand how cloudHQ maps Basecamp Next to file cloud services, please read the following support note: cloudHQ has a powerful template mechanism that can help you have better mappings between Basecamp projects and cloud storage services such as Dropbox and Google Drive. For example, let’s suppose you want to make sync pairs that […]

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How to reauthorize OneDrive

If your OneDrive account has “throttled,” you will need to reauthorize the account. This is related to an issue with Microsoft’s OneDrive as described in this link. The workaround is to reset Microsoft’s internal state for your account and lift the throttle issue. Here is how you can reauthorize your Microsoft OneDrive account. Go to […]

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How to authorize Single Sign On (SSO) Box account

To authorize Box, which is SSO-managed, please follow the following instructions: 1. Log into, then click the “Box” icon: 2. When prompted to log into Box, do not enter a password. Only enter your email address, then click the “Log In” button. 3. You will be directed to your SSO provider (i.e. OneLogin). 4. Once […]

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How to add multiple Evernote accounts

Here are instructions for how to add multiple Evernote accounts when using cloudHQ’s Premium Plan. NOTE: If you have a cloudHQ Business Plan, you can add Evernote accounts using the cloudHQ invite mechanism. This will allow you to manage other users’ Evernote accounts without asking them for their Evernote password. Let’s assume you want to add two […]

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