How to save Outlook emails in a folder (and sub-folder) to Google Drive

Introduction Setup Steps How Does It Work? How to Monitor Sync Status Introduction cloudHQ can save your Outlook emails (including Microsoft 365 and Hotmail) to Google Drive. You can automatically save emails from a specific Outlook folder and its subfolders to a designated Google Drive folder. This feature is useful for archiving a large number […]

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Best practice: how real estate firms use Save Emails to Google Drive

To maintain a structured organization of email correspondence, cloudHQ Save Emails to Google Drive offers a system that automatically stores emails in designated Google Drive folders, corresponding to specific labels applied within Gmail, such as “ACTIVE PROPERTIES” or “ARCHIVED PROPERTIES.” This ensures that any email assigned to a label like “ACTIVE PROPERTIES/213 Geary Ave” will be immediately saved by cloudHQ to the matching “ACTIVE PROPERTIES” folder on Google Drive, streamlining the storage and accessibility process for real estate professionals.

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How to save of multiple emails matching query to Google Drive

NOTE: If you want to save a single email as PDF to Google Drive, please check the following support note: Save a single email to Google Drive. cloudHQ can save automate saving of multiple emails (i.e., all emails in the label or emails matching query). This means that cloudHQ will continuously monitor your Gmail and […]

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How to save all emails in a label (and sublabels) to Google Drive

Save emails to Google Drive can save and convert all emails in a label and sub-labels to Google Drive folder. For example, if you have a label called “Support” and that label has sub-labels “Open tickets” and “Closed tickets”, then you can with one click save all emails in labels “Support”, “Support/Open tickets” and “Support/Closed tickets” to a Google Drive folder.

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How to save all emails in a label (and sublabels) to Google Drive using cloudHQ wizard

Save emails to Google Drive can save and convert all emails in a label and sub-labels to Google Drive folder. For example, if you have a label called “Support” and that label has sub-labels “Open tickets” and “Closed tickets”, then you can with one click save all emails in labels “Support”, “Support/Open tickets” and “Support/Closed tickets” to a Google Drive folder.

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Best practice: Mirror your folder structure into a Gmail label

If you are working on project (real estate, law firms, etc.) it’s essential you organize and save all project or lcients documents related to project or client. And you probably have your Google Drive organized in such way. For example you can have a folder structure like this: Folder with Clients | |– Client A […]

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