To find out more about Save Emails to Google Drive by cloudHQ, click here.
To install Save Emails to Google Drive , click here.
To start wizard to save emails to Google Drive, click here.

General Troubleshooting

For problems with the Export Emails to Sheets extension, first check general troubleshooting steps: How to troubleshoot Google Chrome extensions

Problems with authorizing Google Drive

Access blocked: Authorization Error (admin_policy_enforced)?

To fix this, the admin of the domain needs to ensure that users are allowed to install 3rd-party apps:

  1. Log in to the Google Workspace Admin Console.
  2. Go to Apps -> Google Workspace Marketplace apps -> Settings
  3. Enable the option Allow users to install and run any app from the Marketplace

Additionally, if you have set up Google Workspace that only certain apps can be installed, you will add cloudHQ as a trusted app within your Google Workspace domain:

  1. Log in to the Google Workspace Admin Console.
  2. Go to Apps -> Google Workspace Marketplace apps -> App List
  3. Add cloudHQ to the allow list – the application ID of cloudHQ is 125135905029.