Can I set up automatic saving of emails to Google Drive without the chrome extension?

Yes. You can automatically save emails to Google Drive without the chrome extension. Just go to our website and start the wizard. The instructions on how to that are here.

What kind of attachments can be embeded into PDF?

Save Emails to Google Drive can embed the following attachments into PDF:

  1. Excel files
  2. MS Word attachments
  3. Txt and HTML attachments
  4. PDF attachments
  5. Image attachments

What are the limitations of Save emails to Google Drive?

The main limitation is that saving labels and continuously saving emails require IMAP to be enabled and the label selected to save needs to be “shown in IMAP” selected. Please check this support note about limitations.

Can extension Save Emails to Google Drive save email messages to Google Shared Drive folder?

Yes, our Save Emails to Google Drive tool lets you save emails directly to any Google Shared Drive folder. You can find out how Google Shared Drives work and how to set up syncing with them in our guide: Understanding Google Shared Drives and Syncing.

Can I backup all my email message to Google Drive so they are organized by labels?

Yes, you can do this.
This system mirrors Gmail’s organizational structure, simplifying both the backup process and the retrieval of specific emails, making it easier to navigate your email backups in the cloud.
Simply choose Backup all emails to Google Drive (organized by labels).

For step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish this with cloudHQ wizard, follow this link: How to backup Google Gmail emails to cloud storage – organized by label

Can I save only attachment?

Yes – you can save only attachments. To do that just Save only attachments in the options dialog:

How many emails can I save with the Premium Plan?

For Premium Plan users, we do not limit the number of emails that can be saved to Google Drive. You can save an unlimited number of email messages with the Premium Plan for Save Emails to Google Drive.

Can I automate my save to Google Drive?

How to manage automated saving of emails to Google Drive (sync pairs)?

If you set up automated saving of emails to Google Drive, then cloudHQ will create a sync pair. The sync pair defines 1) what to sync and 2) how to sync (more details about sync pairs can be found in the support note What is a sync pair?)
To stop the sync or change options for automated saving of emails, then you need go to the Backup and Sync tab and then you will have options to stop, start the sync or modify the options. More details on how to manage sync pairs can be found in the support note How to manage sync pairs.

How to solve problem Access blocked: Authorization Error (admin_policy_enforced)?

To fix this you will need to ensure that ensu

  1. Log in to the Google Workspace Admin Console.
  2. Go to Apps -> Google Workspace Marketplace apps -> Settings
  3. Enable the option Allow users to install and run any app from the Marketplace

Additionally, if you have set up Google Workspace that only certain apps can be installed, you will add cloudHQ as a trusted app within your Google Workspace domain:

  1. Log in to the Google Workspace Admin Console.
  2. Go to Apps -> Google Workspace Marketplace apps -> App List
  3. Add cloudHQ to the allow list – the application ID of cloudHQ is 125135905029.

Does the 'Save Emails to Google Drive' feature, which saves emails as PDFs, also include Gmail Notes attached to the email in the PDF file stored in Google Drive?

Yes, the ‘Save Emails to Google Drive’ feature, which saves emails in PDF format, does include Gmail Notes attached to the email in the final PDF file stored in Google Drive. This ensures that all your important notes and annotations are seamlessly integrated and preserved in the PDF, providing a complete and detailed record of your email content for easy access and organization within Google Drive.

I can't get the Emails to Google Drive wizard to pick or browse the chosen label. How can I solve this?

The issue might be due to one of these system limitations:

  1. Labels and sub-labels have characters we don’t support. This includes slashes (“/”, “\\”), plus signs (“+”), asterisks (“*”), special symbols, emojis, and extra spaces (like double spaces or spaces at the start or end of a name). For example, “Inbox/Clients” or labels with backticks need changing to remove these characters and space problems.
  2. The label you’re trying to use has spaces at the start or end, like “Support “. Just correct it to “Support”.
  3. The label doesn’t have IMAP turned on.

For more info on Save Emails to Google Drive limits, check out this support note: Save and Share Emails: Limitations and requirements

How to save attachment only