To find out more about Save Emails to Google Drive, click here.
To install Save Emails to Google Drive, click here.
To install Save Emails to Dropbox, click here.
To install Save Emails to Egnyte, click here.
To start wizard to Save or backup your emails to your cloud storage (Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, Microsoft 365, or Egnyte) click here.

cloudHQ can backup all emails to your Google Drive or Google Team Drive folder. You can backup emails in two ways:

  • Back up all emails to Google Drive and organize them by the label – making each label into a separate folder. Emails that are not labeled will not be backed up.
    For instance, if you have your emails in Gmail labeled according to different categories like ‘Work’, ‘Personal’, ‘Receipts’, and so on, each of these labels can be transformed into a dedicated folder within your cloud storage. As such, all emails labeled under the ‘Work’ label in Gmail would be stored in a ‘Work’ folder in your cloud account, and similarly for ‘Personal’, ‘Receipts’, and other labels. This method not only simplifies the backup process but also makes retrieval of specific emails much easier, as you would know exactly which folder to look in within your cloud storage. Essentially, by mirroring the organizational system you’ve already established in Gmail through labels, you’re creating an intuitive and easy-to-navigate email backup system in your cloud storage space.
  • Back up all emails to Google Drive and organize them by date. Emails that are not labeled will be also backed up.

Here’s how to continuously save or backup your Gmail emails in cloud storage like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Box, with each label turning into a separate folder:

  1. Start wizard to backup Google Gmail emails:
  2. Select or authorize the Google Gmail account you want to backup:
  3. Select the option Backup only labeled email messages in your Gmail account (organized by labels):
  4. Select or authorize target cloud account (Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, etc.)
  5. Select folder in your cloud account or create a folder