Getting started with Email Signature Generator (how to add a signature in Gmail)

Free Email Signature Generator by cloudHQ will allow you to easily create an email business card at the end of your emails as your email signature in Gmail.

You’ll be able to include:

✅ Your company information
✅ An image like a logo, or your headshot
✅ A meeting calendar link
✅ A “big sale” link to your sales website
✅ A link to a YouTube video about what your product does
✅ Create a customized video
✅ A banner to wish your email recipients happy holidays
✅ A confidentiality clause
✅ A “save the planet” green quote so please don’t print your email and hurt the environment
✅ An area for HTML if you want to include something of your very own

To find out more about Email Signature Generator, click here.
To install Email Signature Generator, click here.
Instructions on how to get started are here.


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Resetting built-in Gmail signatures

If you’re experiencing issues with your Gmail signature not functioning properly with the Email Signature Generator by cloudHQ, follow this guide to reset your built-in Gmail signatures. Key steps include logging into Gmail, deleting any non-standard signatures, and re-establishing “My Signature” as the default to ensure seamless integration across devices.

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