To find out more about Email Signature Generator, click here.
To install Email Signature Generator, click here.
To access your Email Signature Generator dashboard, go Email Signature Generator dashboard.

Email Signature Generator for Teams simplifies and streamlines the use of Email Signature Generator for Teams your team and allows you to share and collaborate on your templates.

The setup of the Email Signature Generator for Teams is straightforward:

  1. Go go to My Dashboard.
  2. Select the Gmail Email Signature icon:
  3. Click on Manage Team:
  4. Install cloudHQ to your Google Workspace domain
  5. Add users
  6. When users are added the following options are available:
  7. If you do not have a team licence click Add License, to purchase one.:
  8. Clicking on Create Signature Template you will be able to create different templates adding merge tags which will be always replaced with the actual name of the tag:
  9. Clicking on Preview all signatures you will be able to see all signatures in preview mode: