cloudHQ can be used to sync any Dropbox and Google Drive accounts (including Google Shared Drives). To accomplish that, you need to create cloudHQ sync pairs. A cloudHQ sync pair defines how to sync and what to sync. Here’s how you can set up a sync pair: Set up real-time backup (one-way sync with archiving). […]
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Getting started with Box <-> Google Drive sync
cloudHQ can be used to sync all Box and Google Drive accounts. This means that Box and Google Drive accounts will be the exact mirror of each other. Single user sync: If you are looking to sync just one Box account, then you just need to create a two-way sync pair between Box account and […]
IT Admin: How to sync multiple Box accounts with Google Drive accounts
To sync multiple Box accounts with corresponding Google Drive accounts you need to create two-way sync pairs like this: Box ( <-> Google Drive ( Box ( <-> Google Drive ( Box ( <-> Google Drive ( … The above sync pairs will ensure that each user’s Box account are the exact mirror of that […]
Email parsing: How to save and import your rules
The email parsing editor of a Google Sheets tool has a built-in feature to save and load customized parsing parameters, allowing users to apply similar rules to different high-volume email analysis tasks. With this feature, users can duplicate their parsing settings from one job to the next, adapting to new projects with minor revisions and saving time while maintaining consistency.
How to reorder tabs
You can recorder your tabs so you can easily find the tab you want.
Getting started with Box to Google Drive migration
cloudHQ can be used to migrate all or just selected Box accounts to Google Drive. Single user migration: If you are looking to migrate just one Box account (either a personal or Box business account), then you just need to create a migration sync pair from an individual Box account to Google Drive account or […]
Sync your tracking and campaign stats with Google Sheets
cloudHQ can export all your tracking stats to a Google spreadsheet. And keep it in sync. So you will have a place where you can know if all your tracked emails have been opened or not, which links are clicked, location, etc.
Email parsing: Parsing Editor Overview
Export Emails to Google Sheets allows you to extract data from your email messages. Email parser rules can be configured to pull specific data fields from incoming emails. By doing so they allow you to convert an unstructured email into easy-to-handle structured data.
How to Protect Your Email Privacy
Do you want to ensure your privacy is protected in Gmail? Email Tracking Blocker automatically detects and blocks email trackers. Email Tracking Blocker is free for anyone using Gmail or an email account hosted by G Suite. Here is how to use Email Tracking Blocker (Email Privacy Protector) to block tracking of your emails: Install […]
Email parsing: Using regular expression to extract data
The “Between two lines” rule can use regular expressions.