Install Save Emails to Google Drive from Chrome Web Store.
How to get started and troubleshoot this extension is explained in support note.
Articles Tagged: google drive
How to sync Office 365 SharePoint and Amazon S3
Here are short instructions for how to sync a folder in Office 365 SharePoint Document Library with a Amazon AWS S3 bucket or folder in the bucket.
How to quickly save an email to Google Drive – Quick Save functionality
With Save Emails to Google Drive, you can quickly (with just one click) save any email message or email conversation to Google Drive.
How to save all emails in a label (and sublabels) to Google Drive
Save emails to Google Drive can save and convert all emails in a label and sub-labels to Google Drive folder. For example, if you have a label called “Support” and that label has sub-labels “Open tickets” and “Closed tickets”, then you can with one click save all emails in labels “Support”, “Support/Open tickets” and “Support/Closed tickets” to a Google Drive folder.
How to save all emails in a label (and sublabels) to Google Drive using cloudHQ wizard
Save emails to Google Drive can save and convert all emails in a label and sub-labels to Google Drive folder. For example, if you have a label called “Support” and that label has sub-labels “Open tickets” and “Closed tickets”, then you can with one click save all emails in labels “Support”, “Support/Open tickets” and “Support/Closed tickets” to a Google Drive folder.
How to backup all emails to Google Drive
– select at least one email
– select Backup all emails
– chose options
How to backup a Gmail label to a folder in your cloud storage
cloudHQ can automatically backup all email messages to your cloud storage. This support note explains how to automatic save of emails which part of a label to your cloud storage with our web interface. If you do not have Gmail label configured and you want that Gmail automatically classifies your emails into Gmail labels the […]
How restore previous version of a file in Google Drive?
You can use Google Drive’s “revert to earlier file versions” feature to restore an earlier version of your email template.
How to copy Gmail template in Google Drive
You can copy this template directly from your Google Drive. Right-click on the template you want to copy. Select Make a copy
How to save a single email to Google Drive
Open your email and click the “Save to Google Drive” icon on your Gmail or Google Apps mail: Click the “Save to Google Drive” button: Click the “Save to Google Drive” button: Success – job started: The emails have been saved to your Google Drive folder. Success – job finished: Go to your Google Drive […]