Migration of Google Drive accounts from Google Apps to Office 365

Office 365 preparation: OneDrive Business accounts must be fully provisioned. cloudHQ will not provision Office 365 OneDrive Business accounts on your behalf. This means that each Office 365 user must log in at least once to their OneDrive Business account. The Office 365 admin needs to be added as an admin to users’ personal websites. The instructions are […]

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How to get all your photos to Facebook

Here are short instructions for how to privately get all your photos to Facebook: Start Get all your photos to Facebook. Select the icon of the cloud storage application you want to get the photos from: Click “Sync Photos to Facebook”: Add your cloud storage service: You will be forwarded to authorize cloudHQ to access […]

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How to back up Office 365 Mail to Google Drive

Here are short instructions for how to back up your Office 365 Mail to Google Drive: Start the synchronization wizard to sync two cloud accounts. Click the Office 365 Mail icon: Select an already-configured Office 365 Mail account or click “Authorize Office 365 Mail” to add a new Office 365 Mail account: If you click “Authorize […]

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IT Admin: How to back up all your Office 365 Email accounts

cloudHQ can back up and archive all your Office 365 Mail accounts to the backup storage service of your choosing (your Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.). The setup is very simple (as explained below). Backup will organize as follows: – cloudHQ_sync – Backup of <email of user1> – Backup of Office 365 Main (<email of user1>) […]

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IT Admin: How to sync multiple Dropbox Business accounts with Google Drive accounts

To sync multiple Dropbox Business accounts with corresponding Google Drive accounts you need to create two-way sync pairs like this: Dropbox (bob@acme.com) Google Drive (bob@acme.com) Dropbox (alice@acme.com) Google Drive (alice@acme.com) Dropbox (coddy@acme.com) Google Drive (coddy@acme.com) … The above sync pairs will ensure that each user’s Dropbox account are the exact mirror of that user’s Google […]

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How to integrate Basecamp and Google Drive using Google Apps

Here are the instructions for how a Google Apps admin can integrate Basecamp and Google Drive accounts using Google Apps: Click “Start cloudHQ Setup”: Select “For IT Admins: Multiple Users Setup” as the type of sync”: Select “Google Apps” as your organization’s cloud platform: Click the Basecamp icon or drag it to the left empty […]

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IT Admin: How to integrate Salesforce and Google Drive using Google Apps

Google Apps preparation Ensure that you are a Google Apps super admin. Instructions are here: https://support.cloudhq.net/cloudhq-access-permission-for-google-apps-admin/. Ensure that the Google Apps Administrative API is enabled for your domain. Instructions are here: https://support.cloudhq.net/how-to-check-if-google-apps-administrative-api-is-enabled-for-your-domain/. Authorize cloudHQ to access your Google Apps domain Go to https://www.cloudHQ.net/services and click the “Google Apps” icon: Enter your Google Apps super-admin email […]

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How to sync Google Drive and Microsoft 365 OneDrive

Here are short instructions on how to sync a Google Drive folder to Microsoft 365 OneDrive: Start the synchronization wizard to sync two cloud accounts. Click the Google Drive icon: Select an already-configured Google Drive account or click Add Google Drive to add a new Google Drive account: If you click “Add Google Drive,” you will […]

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