If you are a Google Workspace super-admin, you have the ability to automatically create cloudHQ accounts and assign purchased licenses to your Google Workspace users. This streamlined process can help you manage your organization’s licenses and users more efficiently.

You will can manage your users under the Users tab.
If you are a Google Workspace admin, then you can add and create users to your Save Emails as PDF team without the need for the end user to create an account.

The setup consists of three steps:

  1. Ensure that you have the necessary privileges and that Google Workspace Administrative API is enabled
  2. Install cloudHQ to your Google Workspace domain
  3. Add Users

Google Workspace preparation

Install cloudHQ to your Google Workspace domain

  1. Go to Users tab (direct link is here: https://www.cloudhq.net/user_manager)
  2. Select Authorize Google Workspace :
  3. Enter your Google Workspace admin email. Note you must be the super admin of your Google Workspace domain. Click on Verify Google Apps Administrator Email:
  4. After we have verified that you have necessary permissions to manage your Google Workspace domain click on Install cloudHQ to Your Google Workspace Domain:
  5. Follow the steps and authorize cloudHQ.

Add Google Workspace users to your Save Emails as PDF team

After cloudHQ is installed on your Google Workspace domain, you can add users to your Save Emails as PDF team with one click.

  1. Go to Save Emails as PDF – Manage Team page (direct link is here: https://www.cloudhq.net/main_save_to_pdf/team)
  2. You should see the list of your Google Workspace users. Click on Add user for users you want to add your Save Emails to the PDF team.

  3. As soon as the user is added to your Save Emails as PDF team they will receive an email with instructions on how to install Save Emails as PDF. The email will look like this:

Troubleshooting steps are here: https://support.cloudhq.net/it-admin-troubleshooting-the-installation-of-cloudhq-on-your-google-workspace/