How to add multiple OneDrive accounts

Here is the procedure for how to add two (or more) OneDrive accounts to cloudHQ: Go to the Cloud Accounts tab: Open a separate tab in your web browser: In the new tab, log into your first OneDrive account (i.e., as user Go back to the browser tab with cloudHQ and click the Cloud […]

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What is the initial transfer of data?

When the very first sync starts, cloudHQ starts its “initial transfer of data.” During this stage, cloudHQ needs to investigate the structure of the cloud services being synced and to copy all data between two cloud services. This initial stage is divided into three phases: First Phase: Cataloging of meta-data When the very first sync starts, […]

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IT admin: How to enable IMAP for your Google Workspace

NOTE: Google Support note on this topic: . Sign into the Google Admin console. From the dashboard, go to Apps -> Google Workspace -> Settings for Gmail -> End User Access. Optionally, inn the Organizations section, select the organizational unit for which you want to configure settings. Click on POP and IMAP access, enable checkbox: Enable […]

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Files that can’t be moved, backed up, or synchronized from Dropbox

Dropbox imposes restrictions on exporting certain types of files, including Dropbox paper (.paper files) and templates, as well as URL hyperlink files ending in .url or .web, which cannot be moved, backed up, or synchronized. Additionally, Google files such as gdocs, gslides, and gsheets located within Dropbox, along with the platform’s getting started instructional files, are not permitted to be downloaded, potentially leading to migration failures.

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At what speed, or how long will the initial data transfer take?

Our two-way transfer rate averages from 1GB to about 10GB per hour per account (240GB per day per account). Our one-way migration transfer rate is up to 1TB per day per account. However, in many cases, especially if an account has a large number of small files and a large number of folders, it is […]

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How to sync Office 365 SharePoint and Dropbox

Here are short instructions for how to set up synchronization between SharePoint and Dropbox. NOTE: You must have a cloudHQ Business Plan to add SharePoint accounts using cloudHQ. Click the “Sync & Integrate” tab, then click on “Single User Setup“: Click “Single User Setup“: Click the “SharePoint Online / Office 365” icon: Select an already-existing Office […]

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Can’t Unzip: folder is invalid or similar (Windows)

On Windows, you should simply be able to double click on the zipped file to unzip it. However, if you receive the following error: “folder is invalid” or “Decompression Failed” then follow the steps below for alternative unzipping processes. First, double-check to make sure the file has fully downloaded. If the file size has fully […]

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How cloudHQ integrates Salesforce with cloud storage services

cloudHQ offers the following integrations of Salesforce with cloud storage services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, SharePoint, OneDrive, Box, and others: Integrate Salesforce documents and files with your storage. Backup Salesforce data (including Salesforce exports) Sync and integrate Salesforce reports. Integrate Salesforce documents and files with your storage cloudHQ can sync (and keep in sync) […]

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Why is storage usage different between Google Drive and Dropbox?

Dropbox and Google Drive calculate storage usage quite differently. Here are some differences: Google Drive counts files that are in trash against your storage quota. Google Drive counts versions of files against your storage quota. If a file is changed twice, it will use double the quota when compared to a file that was changed […]

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