Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Sign Up on the Official Egnyte Developers’ Portal
  3. Create Egnyte Internal Application
  4. Contact Egnyte Support to Enable the Application and Set API Limits
  5. Update Non-SSO Egnyte Password
  6. Authorize cloudHQ to Access Your Egnyte via API Keys Created Above


For customers looking to set up backup, migration, or sync of their Egnyte files, acquiring the necessary API client keys is the first crucial step.
These keys, essential for secure communication between cloudHQ and Egnyte’s services, are unique identifiers that ensure safe and authenticated interactions. Fortunately, the process to obtain these keys is straightforward and can be accomplished by following a few simple steps.

Sign up on the official Egnyte developers’ portal

Initially, you must navigate to the official Egnyte developers’ portal. Access can be gained by visiting the URL:

After registering, you can proceed to the next step and create an Egnyte internal application.

Create Egnyte internal application

Now, you need to create Egnyte internal application. To do that, click on Applications tab then click on the Create New Application button.

Then select the following options:

  1. Name of the application – we suggest to name it something like cloudHQ_backup or similar
  2. For type, select Internal Application (own company use only)
  3. The Current User Base should be set to New App
  4. The Platform should be set to Web app
  5. Enter your domain name in the field Egnyte domain you will use for testing
  6. Tick option Issue a new key for Egnyte Connect API
  7. Click on the Register Application

After registering the application, it will be submitted but not active. Please wait for an email from Egnyte support to activate the application.

The email from Egnyte should state something like “Your API key request has been approved. Please allow up to 15 minutes for the activation process to complete.”.

Contact Egnyte support to enable the application and set API limits

Once your application gets approved, you need to contact Egnyte support to request an increase in your API limits. Here is what you should tell Egnyte support:

  1. Your application’s client key and name.
  2. A short explanation of why you need the increase (e.g., backing up your Egnyte account, migrating data, syncing with SharePoint, etc.). What’s the specific reason?
  3. The expected timeline to finish your project, or if it’s a continuous need.
  4. If initial data transfer was not done (you are just setting up a new backup), mention that you anticipate initial number of calls to be about 500,000 calls per day first month of usage. You can ask for less calls – it really depends how much data you wish to backup per day. You can request fewer calls depending on how much data you plan to backup daily. With 500,000 calls, you can back up approximately 300,000 to 450,000 files in a single day.
  5. Mention that after the initial data transfer is done (first month of usage), that the daily number of API calls will be twice the number of modified files each day, but Egnyte support can provide more precise figures.
  6. Share that during peak usage, you expect to make up to 50 API calls per minute, again noting that Egnyte support can offer more accurate details.

It will take up 48 hours to Egnyte to approve your application.

Update non-SSO Egnyte password

If an Egnyte admin uses Single Sign-On (SSO), then you need to set your non-SSO Egnyte password. This step ensures that access to the Egnyte platform remains secure and that the integration with the API adheres to Egnyte’s security protocols. You can set your non-SSO password in Egnyte console My Profile -> My Preferences:

Authorize cloudHQ to access your Egnyte via API keys created above

After you got all the keys and non-SSO password enter then to cloudHQ authorization dialog for Egnyte:
