To find out more about Save Emails as PDF, click here.
To install Save Emails as PDF, click here.
To start wizard to export emails to PDF, click here.

General Troubleshooting

For problems with the Export Emails to Sheets extension, first check general troubleshooting steps: How to troubleshoot Google Chrome extensions

Problems with starting export job from Gmail interface

Filter cannot be created

At times, our system may not be able to automatically generate a filter and initiate the job.
The problem is probably caused by incorrect filter syntax. So please check the following Google support note Advanced Gmail filters

Should this occur, the alternative is to created a label using the desired filter, and then proceed to launch the Export Emails to Sheets wizard to transfer that label. The instructions on how create filters in Gmail can found here: Gmail labels and filters: tutorial and a step-by-step guide

For further guidance on executing the wizard, please refer to the support documents: How to back up or save a Gmail label to a Google spreadsheet or Wizard to export emails to Google Sheets.

Too many parallel requests. Job aborted.

The issue usually arises when there is a multitude of concurrent requests on your account, indicating a potential Denial of Service attack. Should you need to store a substantial volume of emails, opt for a bulk save method rather than saving each email separately.

  1. Create a label with all emails you want to save
  2. Run wizard to save all emails in the label