Getting started with Auto BCC for Gmail (How to set up automatic bcc or cc for Gmail)

With the Auto BCC for Gmail by cloudHQ Chrome extension, you can automatically blind copy (or copy) specific people on specific emails so that you can rest assured that whoever should have a copy of your email, automatically does.

Here’s a list of features:

✅ Automatically CC or BCC another email address
✅ Multiple rules based on your “from” email address
✅ Multiple rules based on your receiver’s email address or domain
✅ Exclusion rules based on your receiver’s email address or domain
✅ Full support for Salesforce CRM, HubSpot CRM, and other major CRMs
✅ Google Workspace team support

To find out more about Auto BCC for Gmail, click here.
To install Auto BCC for Gmail, click here.
Instructions on how to get started are here.


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