If you use both Box and Office 365, then it might be a good idea to use cloudHQ to sync or backup all your Box accounts with corresponding Office 365 OneDrive accounts.
You can setup two-way or one-way sync pairs like this:

Box (bob@acme.com)   <-> Office 365 OneDrive Business (bob@acme.com)
Box (alice@acme.com) <-> Office 365 OneDrive Business (alice@acme.com)


This is a great way to have protect your business against data corruption on Box side or maybe unavailability of Box servers – i.e., if something is wrong with Box account “box@acme.com” then that user can easily failover to Office365 OneDrive Business account.

Office 365 preparation:

Box Business / Box Enterprise Preparation:

  1. Ensure that you are Box for Business admin. The instructions are here: Box for Business admin
  2. In some Box installations third-party applications might be disabled. So you will need to check if third-party applications are disabled in your Box and enable them. Some instructions how to check that are here: https://support.cloudhq.net/how-to-enable-cloudhq-third-party-application-in-box-enterprise/

Authorize cloudHQ to access your Box Business / Box Enterprise

  • Go to https://www.cloudHQ.net/services and click on “Box for Business” icon:


  • Authorize Box for Business admin account
    Box for Business domain

    Box for Business domain
  • Select Business accounts you want to add click on “Add Selected Cloud Accounts >>”:
    Add Box for Business accounts

  • You will receive a notification that accounts are added to cloudHQ:

Authorize cloudHQ to access your Office 365 domain

Set up a sync pair between Box and Office 365 OneDrive Business

  • Go to https://www.cloudhq.net/multi_setup_wizard?prompt_auth=true.
    Google Apps
  • Click on the Box Enterprise icon:
  • The wizard will start. Since we are syncing Box, let’s click on “Box” icon:
  • Select users:

  • Click on the OneDrive Business icon
  • Verify sync pairs – you can switch sync pairs to one-way sync or modify options after sync pairs are created.
  • Optionally, you edit sync pairs and switch them to be one-way sync:
  • Start the sync.