NOTE: To install Gmail Snippets, please check this Getting Started with Gmail Snippets.

Gmail Snippets variables (merge tags) allow you to add content dynamically to your Gmail snippets.
The list below outlines all of the tags (variables) available to you:

  • *|FIRST_NAME|* – will be replaced with recipient first name
  • *|LAST_NAME|* – will be replaced with recipient last name
  • *|NAME|* – will be replaced with recipient name
  • *|EMAIL|* – will be replaced with the recipient’s email address
  • *|DAY_OF_WEEK|* – will be replaced with the current day of the week
  • Replaceable variables: *|FIRST_NAME|*, *|LAST_NAME|*, *|NAME|*, *|EMAIL|* are changed with the corresponding fields in your Google Contacts.

    And here are the short instructions on how to use Gmail snippets variables (merge tags):

    1. Compose a new email message, and you will see a T+ snippet icon at the bottom of the compose window. Click on T+ icon:
      chrome extension
    2. If T+ is not visible, click first on More Tools icon at the bottom of the compose window and a T+ snippet icon will be shown. Click on T+ icon:
      chrome extension
    3. Add a recipient and click on Browse snippets:

      chrome extension

    4. Click on Add button:
      chrome extension
    5. Create a new shortcut. In the content add replacement variables as shown:
      chrome extension
    6. A new shortcut is added successfully. Click on Done button:
      chrome extension
    7. Type the shortcut which uses replaceable variables and press Enter key on the keyboard:
      chrome extension
    8. The Gmail Snippet variables will be replaced:
      chrome extension