Google Calendar allows you to create and have access to multiple calendars so you can keep track of different types of events, shared availability, and the availability of certain resources.

Having multiple calendars is a great way to better organize your availability for meetings. The trick is to add multiple calendars that represent “layers” in your planning. For instance, you can have the following calendars:

  1. Your work (i.e., Google Workspace) calendar
  2. Your personal (i.e., Gmail) calendar (for example, with your kid’s soccer practices)
  3. Your work calendar, which is shared with your colleagues.

You might not want to be available during your son’s soccer practice. Or maybe you do not want to be available when your partner is not available.

For more information on Google Shared Calendars and the Google multiple calendars feature, check out these resources:

  1. Share your Google Calendar with someone
  2. Create a new Google Calendar

Meeting Scheduler for Gmail allows you to select which calendars will be used for your availability.

Here’s how to select them:

  1. Log in to cloudHQ.
  2. Select the Dashboards tab.
  3. Click on Meeting Scheduler for Gmail.
  4. Click on Manage Availability.
  5. Tick which Google calendars will be used for your availability.
  6. Click Save Settings.

select calendar; multiple calendars