Export Emails to Google Sheets, Excel, or CSV allows to extract important information from your email messages. You can extract automatically extract text from emails, you can extract email addresses, parse Google alerts, extract tracked emails, etc.

Here are the steps:

  1. Start Export Emails to Sheets wizard by going to this web address: https://www.cloudhq.net/sheets_wizard
  2. Select wizard type. You can choose one of the following:
    • Backup email messages from a Gmail label
      This wizard will help you set up a continuous backup of all your emails of a Gmail label and save them in your Google Sheets. All of your attachments will also be saved as a PDF Google Drive link in your Google Sheet.
    • Extract information from the body of your email messages
      You can set up automated email information extraction workflows using this powerful email parser. The information you extract will be delivered in a Google Sheet in your own Google Drive account.
    • Parse Google Alerts
      Google Alerts is a service by Google that sends an email when new results for a topic show up. This wizard will automatically extract all the info into a Google Spreadsheet. For example, you can get info about news, products, or mentions of your name. For example, you can get info about news, products, or mentions of your name.
    • Build email and contact list
      This wizard will set up a spreadsheet that will contain an up-to-date contact list of anyone that you’ve ever exchanged emails with in the past.
    • Find all bounced email addresses
      Automatically find all bounced email addresses from your email campaigns to ensure a good sender reputation.
    • Find all bounced email addresses
      Automatically find all bounced email addresses from your email campaigns to ensure a good sender reputation.
    • MailKing, Auto Follow Up, and Email Tracker campaigns
      Create a spreadsheet with all your MailKing, Auto Follow Up, and Email Tracker campaigns.
  3. Follow the wizard steps
  4. How do I Convert Email to Google Sheets? Organize Your Google Sheets for Your Data.