Why is storage usage different between Google Drive and OneDrive?

Google Drive and OneDrive have different storage sizes because they calculate storage usage quite differently. Here are some differences: Google Drive counts files in the trash against your storage quota. Google Drive counts versions of files against your storage quota (i.e., if a file is changed twice then it will use double of quota than a file that was changed just once). Google Drive does not count files which are in Google Docs format […]

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How to troubleshoot an “Authorization with Gmail failed” error

The problem could be that your Gmail account has IMAP disabled for the “All Mail” label or that IMAP is disabled. So this is how to troubleshoot this error: Log into your Gmail account at https://mail.google.com. Go to your Gmail settings and select “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” (the direct link should be https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#settings/fwdandpop).Please verify the following: “Enable IMAP” […]

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How to sync Egnyte and Basecamp

Here are short instructions on how to set up synchronization between Egnyte and Basecamp. Start the synchronization wizard to sync two cloud accounts: Click the Egnyte icon: Select an already-configured Egnyte account or input your account name and click “Add Egnyte” to add a new Egnyte account: If you click “Add Egnyte,” you will be forwarded to […]

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How to troubleshoot slow Gmail synchronization

Here is how you can troubleshoot your Gmail account for slow synchronization with other cloud services in cloudHQ: Depending on your Google account type, you can have varying bandwidth allocations when synchronizing your Gmail with other cloud services in cloudHQ. Please refer to the image below for the table of bandwidth limits: Then please go to […]

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Troubleshooting Google Drive storage full error

UPDATE:  As of January 3, 2013, it seems like Google Drive has a bug described here: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/drive/HKO3BfkzarI   If you receive a Google Docs storage full error during sync, here are the steps to troubleshoot this error: STEP 1: Go to  https://www.google.com/settings/storage to verify if you have enough Google Drive storage.   STEP 2: If you do not have […]

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What is cloudHQ?

cloudHQ is an online service which offers email productivity workflow solutions and cloud sync and backup solutions. cloudHQ offers three types of products: Gmail Productivity Tools: We all hate email, but still spend most of our day there. Because of that, we created over 50 Gmail productivity tools to help keep you be productive in […]

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