cloudHQ is an online service which offers email productivity workflow solutions and cloud sync and backup solutions.

cloudHQ offers three types of products:

  • Gmail Productivity Tools: We all hate email, but still spend most of our day there. Because of that, we created over 50 Gmail productivity tools to help keep you be productive in the email. In short, we will supercharge your Gmail.
  • Data Loss Protection and Backup Solutions: 80% of all data loss is caused by human error. So even if your files and emails are in the cloud, they can be still easily accidentally or maliciously deleted and lost. cloudHQ offers real-time data protection and backups of all your data in the cloud.
  • Data Synchronization and Migration Solutions: Even if your organization might be using one primary cloud storage platform like Google G Suite, your employees, partners, and clients will use other cloud apps: like Evernote for note-taking, Dropbox for sharing with clients, Salesforce for CRM, Basecamp for project management. cloudHQ will sync and integrate all these cloud apps and storage services.

What is cloudHQ is also explained here.