How to install the extension?

To install the extension, visit the Gmail Inbox Zero page and follow the installation instructions provided.

How does CloudHQ handle privacy of data?

CloudHQ prioritizes privacy by adhering to strict data protection policies. For detailed information, please visit our privacy policy page

What are the key features of the Gmail Inbox Zero extension?

The Gmail Inbox Zero extension helps you manage your emails more effectively by implementing inbox zero principles. Features include email categorization, snoozing emails, and setting reminders.

Is the Gmail Inbox Zero extension free to use?

Yes, the Gmail Inbox Zero extension offers a free version with basic features. Advanced features may require a subscription.

Can I use the Gmail Inbox Zero extension on any browser?

The Gmail Inbox Zero extension is primarily designed for Chrome, but it may support other major browsers. Check the support page for more details.

Does the Gmail Inbox Zero extension offer customer support?

Yes, CloudHQ provides customer support for the Gmail Inbox Zero extension. Visit the support page for more information on how to contact them.

How do I uninstall the Gmail Inbox Zero extension?

To uninstall the Gmail Inbox Zero extension, go to your browser’s extension settings, locate the extension, and select ‘Remove’ or ‘Uninstall’. For step-by-step instructions, visit the support page
