How do I install the extension?

To install the extension, visit the Chrome Web Store and search for “Save Emails to SharePoint.” Click “Add to Chrome” and follow the prompts.

How do I save an email to SharePoint?

Open your email and click on the “Save to SharePoint” icon. Choose the SharePoint folder where you’d like to save the email and click “Save.”

Can I save attachments to SharePoint as well?

You can organize your saved emails in SharePoint by choosing specific folders. Additionally, you can create new folders within SharePoint to better manage your saved emails.

Is there a way to organize emails in SharePoint?

You can organize your saved emails in SharePoint by choosing specific folders. Additionally, you can create new folders within SharePoint to better manage your saved emails.

Is the extension compatible with other email services?

The “Save Emails to SharePoint” extension is primarily designed for Gmail. Compatibility with other email services may vary.

How often is the extension updated?

The extension is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest browser versions and to introduce new features. Check the Chrome Web Store for the latest updates.

How does cloudHQ handle privacy of data?

CloudHQ takes data privacy seriously. For detailed information about how your data is handled, please visit cloudHQ Privacy Policy.