NOTE: This sync allows documents in Google Drive to be automatically uploaded into Evernote in PDF format.

The Evernote notes will have a direct link to the file in Google Drive. cloudHQ will export a PDF of the following files from Google Drive:

  • Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets, Google Presentation
  • MS Office files

All other files will be ignored.

  • This option is valid only for a one-way sync into Evernote.

Here is a short demonstration of how cloudHQ syncs Google Drive documents in Evernote as PDFs:

Here are short instructions on how to sync Google Drive documents in Evernote as PDFs:

  1. Start the synchronization wizard to sync two cloud accounts.
  2. Click the Google Drive icon:
    Google Drive
  3. Select an already-configured Google Drive account or click “Add Google Drive” to add a new Google Drive account:
    Google Drive
  4. If you click “Add Google Drive,” you will be forwarded to authorize cloudHQ to access your account:
    Add Google Drive
  5. Select the Google Drive folder to sync or click “Create folder” to create new Google Drive folder:Google Drive Backup
  6. Click the Evernote icon:
    Evernote icon
  7. Select an already-configured Evernote account or add a new Evernote account:
     Evernote account
  8. If you click “Add Evernote,” you will be forwarded to authorize cloudHQ to access your account:
    authorize cloudHQ
    Authorize Evernote
  9. Select an Evernote notebook where you want to sync your Google documents or click “Create folder” for a new one:
    Evernote notes
  10.  Once you’ve chosen your notebook, click “Select”:
    Evernote notes
  11. Choose “Switch to one-way sync”:
    Start sync
  12. Select the option to convert all documents into PDFs:
    Start sync
  13. Synchronization will start automatically:
    Start sync
  14. The synchronization status will display after the initial synchronization.
  15. Here is How to Monitor Status of Sync.
  16. An email will confirm the success of the initial synchronization.