How do I install the Gmail Copilot extension?

To install the Gmail Copilot extension, go to the Chrome Web Store page for Gmail Copilot and click “Add to Chrome”. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

What features does the Gmail Copilot extension offer?

Gmail Copilot provides email tracking, reminders, scheduling, snippets, and more. For a detailed guide, visit the support page.

What features does the Gmail Copilot extension offer?

You can create email reminders by composing a new email and selecting the ‘Reminder’ button. For step-by-step instructions, see our guide

Can I schedule emails to be sent later with Gmail Copilot?

Yes, you can schedule emails to be sent at a later time by using the ‘Send Later’ feature. Learn more on our how-to page.

How do I use email snippets with Gmail Copilot?

Email snippets are pre-written messages that you can into emails. Access them via the ‘Snippet’ button in the email composer. Detailed instructions are available here.

What is your privacy policy?

cloudHQ takes your privacy seriously. For complete details on how we handle data, read our privacy policy.