Export Emails to Google Sheets will generate spreadsheet with columns. Columns are derived from common email headers, email body text, and special email headers.

Default Columns:
These are columns that are derived from email headers and some basic parsing of email body text. For example, the column Extracted Links will have all URL links we discover in the email body.

Custom Columns (extracted from email body):
These are the columns that we discovered by investigating a sample of the selected emails. For example, if you have the following email message:

Name: Karen Hovac
E-mail: Hovac@gmail.com
Phone: +1415555555
Comment: I'm interested. Please call me.

Then we will discover the following columns:

  1. Name
  2. E-mail
  3. Phone
  4. Comment

Parsing Editor
Our algorithms aren’t 100% perfect. So you run our parsing editor to specify more rules. You can learn how to use our parsing editor here.

Custom Columns (extracted from email headers):
These are columns derived from ‘X-‘ headers we found.