How to setup a Google Spreadsheet with your email tracking data

You can setup a Google Spreadsheet with all your tracking history. The spreadsheet will be continuously updated and will contain the following: Subject Date & Time Recipient Email Address Recipient Type Is Opened? Is Replied? Open Count Tracked Links Count Number of Links Clicked Open Date & Time Open IP Address Open Country Open State […]

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How to disable or enable Email Tracker link tracking

The cloudHQ Dashboard for Email Tracker is a tool which helps us to know when other people open your email or click on links. It is used to manage the desktop, SMS, and email notification. Would you like to know how many times is recipient click on the hyperlinked text in your email message? Would you like to be reminded via email if your email did not open in 48 hours?

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How can I access Email Tracker dashboard?

The Free Email Tracker dashboard is a cloudHQ web page where you can see whether someone has clicked the links on your message. To access the dashboard click on the cloudHQ icon that should now appear in the top righthand corner of your Gmail. Here is what you should see in cloudHQ icon: To access […]

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How to Disable Email Tracking

NOTE: If you are looking to install the Free Email Tracker Chrome extension, please read Getting Started with Free Email Tracker. When you are using the Free Email Tracker Chrome extension, sometimes you may not want to track an email. To disable tracking for a specific email you are composing, simply follow the steps below. Click the Email […]

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