Email parsing: How to parse tables in email messages

Sometimes, data you need to extract from your email message is formated as a table. For exmaple, your email messaage can look like this: When you open parsing editor to parse this email you will see tab called Tables. To extract this table, click on Tables and just hightlight table columns: Automatically find all bounced […]

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How to find emails, package them into one PDF and upload them to SkySlope

If you have a bunch of emails within your Gmail account between you and your clients that you need to upload your SkySlope file for compliance the best approach is to package all these emails into one PDF the upload them into SkySlope file.

Here is an overview of steps:

  1. Go to your Gmail and find all emails you and your clients that you need to upload your SkySlope file
  2. Start cloudHQ job to package all emails to one PDF
  3. Download the PDF and upload it into SkySlope file
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