Export Emails to Google Sheets allows you to extract data from your email messages. Email parser rules can be configured to pull specific data fields from incoming emails. By doing so they allow you to convert an unstructured email into easy-to-handle structured data.
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How to Protect Your Email Privacy
Do you want to ensure your privacy is protected in Gmail? Email Tracking Blocker automatically detects and blocks email trackers. Email Tracking Blocker is free for anyone using Gmail or an email account hosted by G Suite. Here is how to use Email Tracking Blocker (Email Privacy Protector) to block tracking of your emails: Install […]
Email parsing: Using regular expression to extract data
The “Between two lines” rule can use regular expressions.
Email parsing: How to test and preview your parsing rules
To preview you and test your parsing rules click on the Test Rules tab
Email parsing: How to parse tables in email messages
Sometimes, data you need to extract from your email message is formated as a table. For exmaple, your email messaage can look like this: When you open parsing editor to parse this email you will see tab called Tables. To extract this table, click on Tables and just hightlight table columns: Automatically find all bounced […]
Email parsing: Using regular expression in ‘match text’ fields
The “Between two lines” rule can use regular expressions.
Email parsing: Return full text if no match found
The “Between two lines” rule can use regular expressions.
Email parsing: Include also the line itself
The Between two lines, Multiple lines after line, and Multiple lines before line can include the matched line into returned results.
Email parsing: How to extract only text between two lines
How to use the editor to extract text between two lines.
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