If you are working on project (real estate, law firms, etc.) it’s essential you organize and save all project or lcients documents related to project or client.
And you probably have your Google Drive organized in such way. For example you can have a folder structure like this:

   Folder with Clients
    |-- Client A
    |    |
    |    |--- Project Data
         |--- Client Communication

    |-- Client B
    |    |
    |    |--- Project Data
         |--- Client Communication

Howevr, it is also important that you save all email communications regarding a projec or client. In this case we just doing the following:

  1. create a label in Gmail called Clients
  2. Create sync pair from Gmial label Clients into Google Drive / Dropbox folder named Folder with Clients
  3. Enable the option Mirror Google Drive folder structure inside Gmail label

Becuase the sync pair is created with the option Mirror Google Drive folder structure inside Gmail label, cloudHQ will automatically created the following label struture inside your Gmail:

    |-- Client A
    |    |
    |    |--- Project Data
         |--- Client Communication

    |-- Client B
    |    |
    |    |--- Project Data
         |--- Client Communication

With the above setup, when you receive an email from the client and sent an email to the client, just put it into corresponding Client Communcation label and the email will be automatically . For example, if an email message is regarding a Client A label this email with Clients/Client A/Client Communication and then cloudHQ will automatically save that email to Google Drive folder Folder with ClientsClient A/Client Communication

In other words, an email will be saved as soon as it is classified/labeled.

If your storage has a complex directory with numerous subfolders you might not want to create all these Gmail labels. So you can use the option Create labels only for Google Drive folders that have matching names to tell cloudHQ only to create labels for folders matching certain names. So in our case, you can setup option Create labels only for Google Drive folders that have matching names to Client Communication so only you will see only Client Communication labels in Gmail.