cloudHQ is an online service which offers email productivity workflow solutions and cloud sync and backup solutions.

cloudHQ has three offerings described below:
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  • Gmail Productivity Tools: We all dislike email, yet it takes up a big part of our day. That’s why we’ve developed over 70 tools to help you stay efficient while managing your inbox.
  • Data Loss Protection and Backup: 80% of data loss happens because of mistakes people make. It’s easy to accidentally delete important files and emails, even when they’re stored online. cloudHQ provides continuous data protection and backup for all your online information.
  • Data Synchronization and Migration: Your company might mainly use one cloud storage service like Google Workspace, but your colleagues, partners, and customers may use different services like Evernote, Dropbox, Salesforce, and Basecamp. cloudHQ can synchronize and integrate all these cloud services and storage solutions.