NOTE: If you are looking to install the Chrome extension Save Emails as PDF, please read Getting started with Save Emails as PDF.
NOTE: If you want to convert multiple emails to PDF, please read How to save multiple emails as PDF.

Follow these instructions to easily save a single Gmail email as a PDF using cloudHQ’s Chrome extension Save Gmail Messages as PDF:

  1. From your Gmail, find and open the email you want to save. Then click the Save to icon at the top:
    chrome extension

    NOTE: If you prefer to use text buttons, here’s how to easily get rid of icons. Please read How to change Gmail icons into text.

    Here’s what this step looks like with Gmail text buttons instead of icons. Click the Save to button at the top:
    chrome extension

  2. Select the Save to PDF option in the dropdown menu that appears:
    chrome extension
  3. You will see a message confirming that your Gmail/Google Apps email is being saved as a PDF:chrome extensionchrome extension
  4. Your email is now a PDF file:
    chrome extension

Here’s a short video showing how it works: