To find out more about Save Emails as PDF, click here.
To install Save Emails as PDF, click here.
To start our wizard to save emails as PDF, click here.
NOTE: If you want to convert a single email to PDF, please read How to save and convert a single email to PDF.
NOTE: If you want to back up all of your emails, please read How can I back up all my emails for a personal backup?.

How to save a label to PDF via the Gmail interface

cloudHQ’s Chrome extension Save Emails as PDF can save and convert all emails in a Gmail label and/or sub-label to PDF.

For example, if you have a label called “Support,” and that label has sub-labels called “Open tickets” and “Closed tickets,” you can convert all emails in the labels “Support,” “Support/Open tickets,” and/or “Support/Closed tickets” to PDF with one click.

To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Gmail. On the left side of your inbox, find the label you want to convert to PDF. If you can’t find the label, scroll down and click the More button so that the list of your labels expands:
  2. Click on the Arrow Down or the Three Dots icon on the label or sub-label, and a menu will appear. Select Save label to PDF…:
  3. Manage your options and select your preferences. Then, click Start conversion

How to save a label to PDF via the cloudHQ wizard

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to save labels to PDF via the cloudHQ website wizard:

  1. Log into
  2. Go to the dashboard and select the Save Emails as PDF icon
  3. Start the wizard for saving emails as PDF
  4. Select the option Backup or Save Email Messages to PDF
  5. Select a Gmail label and click on Continue:
  6. Select backup options and start the save:

Save labels to PDF; convert all label emails to PDF; convert sub-labels to PDF