NOTE: If you want to save a single email to Dropbox, please check the following support note: How to save a single email or conversation to your Dropbox.
If you are prefer using cloudHQ website to setup your sync please check the following support note: How to save all emails in a label (and sublabels) to Dropbox using cloudHQ wizard.

cloudHQ Save emails to Dropbox can save and convert to PDF all emails in a label and sub-labels to Dropbox or Dropbox Team folder. For example, if you have a label called “Support” and that label has sub-labels “Open tickets” and “Closed tickets”, then you can with one click save all emails in labels “Support”, “Support/Open tickets” and “Support/Closed tickets” to a Dropbox folder called “Support”.

Here are how to do that:

  1. Open your Gmail and go to the left side of your inbox and find the label you want to save to Dropbox. If you cannot find the label, scroll down, and click on More and list will expand.
  2. Select the label click on “arrow down” icon. The menu will appear. Select “Save label to Dropbox…”:
  3. Select options and Dropbox folder:

Save labels to Dropbox; convert all label emails to Dropbox; convert sublabels to Dropbox