Here are short instructions for how to back up Google Apps to another cloud storage service. The example below uses OneDrive. The same type of backup could be created using any supported cloud service (e.g. Dropbox, Amazon Glacier, etc.).

    1. Go to the Sync wizard: (url:
      Sync Wizard
    2. Select “Backup multiple cloud accounts”:
      Backup to OneDrive
    3. Select the cloud app where you want to store a backup of your Google Apps data. In this example, OneDrive:
      Backup to OneDrive
    4. Select all Google cloud services you want to sync with OneDrive, then click “Sync Selected Cloud Apps”:
      Backup to OneDrive
    5. Click “Add OneDrive” to add the account where you want to back up your Google Apps:
      Add OneDrive account
    6. If you click “Add OneDrive,” you will be forwarded to authorize cloudHQ to access your account:
      Authorize OneDrive
    7. Click “Add Gmail” to add the email account you want to back up in OneDrive:
      Add Gmail account
    8. If you click “Add Gmail,” you will be forwarded to authorize cloudHQ to access your account:
       Authorize Gmail
    9. Click “Add Google Calendar” to add the calendar account you want to back up in OneDrive:
      Add Google Calendar account
    10. If you click “Add Google Calendar,” you will be forwarded to authorize cloudHQ to access your account:
      Authorize Google Calendar
    11. Click “Add Google Contacts” to add the contacts you want to back up in OneDrive:
      Add Google Contacts
    12. If you click “Add Google Contacts,” you will be forwarded to authorize cloudHQ to access your account:
      Authorize Google Contacts
    13. Once you have authorized all your cloud services, cloudHQ will display the successful setup:
      Setup Done
    14. When you have added all your cloud services, cloudHQ will display synchronization pairs for each one:
      Setup Done
    15. The following folders will be created in your cloud storage for each account you have selected to backup:

      Gmail (   -> OneDrive/Gmail (
      Google Calendar ( -> OneDrive/Google Calendar (
      <cloud service> ( -> OneDrive/<cloud service> (
    16. Here is How to Monitor Status of Sync.
    17. The status will display after the initial synchronization has started.
    18. You will receive an email to confirm the success of the initial synchronization.