NOTE: If you want to convert a single email as PDF to Dropbox, please check the following support note: Save a single email to Dropbox.

cloudHQ can save automate the saving of multiple emails (i.e., all emails in the label or emails matching query). This means that cloudHQ will continuously monitor your Gmail and save emails matching the criteria you have specified.

The emails can be saved in the following formats:

  • Save each conversation in a separate PDF: Export each email into separate PDF files
  • Merge all conversation into one PDF: Merge multiple emails into a single PDF file
  • Save only attachments: This will not save email body and only attachments will be saved to Dropbox
  • Save emails as HTML files
  • Save emails as TXT files
  • Save emails as EML files

Here is how you can automate save of emails to Dropbox with our Chrome extension:

  1. Install the cloudHQ Chrome browser extension Save emails to Dropbox from this location:
  2. Add this extension to Chrome so you will have the “Save to Dropbox” button.
  3. Save Emails to Dropbox has been added to Chrome:
  4. Go to label with emails you want to save (and automate saving) and select all emails in the label:
  5. Alternatively, if you want to automate saving of all emails matching some query (for example all emails from support@cloudHQ), enter that query in Gmail Search box and then select all emails:
  6. Click ‘Manage Save to Dropbox settings …’:

  7. Click the ‘Save selected conversations to Dropbox …’ dropdown icon to see selection:
  8. If you get this notification, it means you will need to authorize Dropbox:
    chrome extension

    • Click “Add Dropbox Account”:

    • This will display for a few seconds, then automatically redirect to Dropbox:

    • Authorize cloudHQ in Dropbox:

    Then go back to email and click the “Save to Dropbox” button.

  9. Select the Dropbox folder where you want to save your Gmail or Google Apps email:

  10. Click “Save” once you have chosen your location Dropbox:
    chrome extension
  11. You will get message that your Gmail or Google Apps email is being saved to Dropbox folder:
    chrome extension
  12. We will create a new sync pair which can automatically save to Dropbox:
    chrome extension
  13. If you click on “You can also modify options here” you can also enable export of emails to HTML, TXT, or EML format:
    chrome extension
  14. If you still want to modify Gmail options after sync pair has been created, just click on “Modify Options” to change options:
    chrome extension
  15. Sync of all selected emails will start – Here is How to Monitor Status of Sync.
  16. An email will confirm success.
    chrome extension