How to fix slowness in Chrome browser and Gmail Screenshot

Chrome browser disables some versions of GPU-acceleration device drivers and disabling of these device drivers might cause slowness in your Chrome browser. This slowness can be noticed when using Gmail Screenshot or when watching youtube movies. To fix that you can enable Override software rendering list option in Google Chrome browser which will enable GPU-acceleration. […]

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What is IMAP?

IMAP is short for Internet Message Access Protocol. The IMAP is an internet standard protocol used by email clients to retrieve email messages from a mail server over a TCP/IP connection. IMAP is defined by RFC 3501. As its name implies, IMAP allows you to access email messages wherever you are. Much of the time, it […]

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How to restore emails from cloud app’s email backup

It is assumed that you have created a Gmail backup to another cloud app as shown: Here are short instructions on how to create restore of cloud app’s email backup to Gmail: Start synchronization wizard to sync two cloud accounts Click on cloud app where email was backed up, i.e. Google Drive, so click Google […]

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How to authorize Office 365 SharePoint

Here is how to authorize Office 365 Sharepoint: Go to cloudHQ and log into your account: Go to the Cloud Accounts tab and click the Office365 Sharepoint icon: Click the “Add Office 365 SharePoint ” button: If you click “Add Office365 Sharepoint,” you will be forwarded to authorize cloudHQ to access your account: Office 365 Sharepoint […]

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How to add multiple Gmail accounts

NOTE: If you are not a Google Apps admin, you can use the steps below to add Gmail accounts manually, as long as you can authorize the Gmail accounts you add. Here is the step-by-step procedure on how to add two Gmail accounts to cloudHQ. Let’s assume that you want to add two Gmail accounts […]

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How to make Amazon S3 bucket public

You can make a particular Amazon S3 bucket public by following these steps: NOTE: You must have a cloudHQ business plan to sync Amazon S3 using cloudHQ. Sign into Amazon S3 and go to the Amazon S3 Management Console.   Select the bucket from the left. Click the “Properties” button on the right:   Go to the […]

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How to add multiple OneDrive accounts

Here is the procedure for how to add two (or more) OneDrive accounts to cloudHQ: Go to the Cloud Accounts tab: Open a separate tab in your web browser: In the new tab, log into your first OneDrive account (i.e., as user Go back to the browser tab with cloudHQ and click the Cloud […]

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