How do I export a CSV from LinkedIn to use with MailKing?

MailKing allows you to upload a CSV or Excel file that contains email addresses and the data that you’d like to merge into your emails. For example, the name of the company of the recipient, city where they live, etc. Here are instructions how to export the list of your LinkedIn contacts and then use […]

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How do I map fields to be merged from my CSV into my emails?

MailKing and Gmail Auto Follow Up are two of cloudHQ’s Chrome extensions that can parse CSV and Excel files as the source of merged data. How does it work? cloudHQ will map columns’ names from your CSV/Excel to merge tags. The merge tags will then be added to the Merge Tags Menu. You can also […]

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How do I export a CSV from Salesforce to use with MailKing?

In order to use MailKing mail merge function, you’ll need to upload a CSV or Excel file that contains email addresses and the data that you’d like to merge into your emails. For example, the name of the company of the recipient, city where they live, etc. While this spreadsheet can be created manually, exporting […]

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How to send a preview email for your email campaign

Different email programs display your HTML email differently, so we recommend you preview and test your campaign content before you send it. In this article, you’ll learn how to preview your campaign in MailKing’s preview mode, and how to send test emails. In Email Campaign Editor, click on the Preview tab: Select the recipient from […]

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How to add attachments to your email campaign

MailKing can also attach files to your email marketing or auto-follow-up campaign. You can attach any type of file – like a PDF, Word Doc, etc. The limit is 10MB. The attachments are stored on cloudHQ storage and added as links inside the email. Here is how: In Email Campaign Editor, click on attachment icon: […]

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