Here are some best practices on how to use cloudHQ Label and Email Sharing.
When sharing your labels, it’s best to create a few main (top-level) labels with sub-labels underneath, and then share just these main (top-level) labels. cloudHQ Label and Email Sharing with Gmail works best when there are a few main labels with many sub-labels and emails. Sharing many small (top-level) labels is not recommended.
If you do not want to share all sub-labels with your team, then the recommended method is to share a top-level label first, then selectively decide which sub-labels to include for specific users. In other words, rather than sharing sub-labels directly, you share the top-level label and exclude any sub-labels you do not wish to share.
Organization by project
So if you are working on projects, we suggest to organize your emails into two email labels:
In real estate, you might have labels like this:
Or in legal, you might have labels like this:
|-- ACTIVE CASES | | | |-- Case 12343 | |-- Case 2108310 | |-- Case 2338310 | |-- | |-- ARCHIVED CASES | | | |-- Case 2123434 | |-- Case 2108410 | |-- Case 2333320 | |-- ...
Optionally, you can have ASSIGNED label like this:
|-- ASSIGNED | | | |-- bob@ | |-- naomi@ | |-- jesica@ | |-- | |-- unassigned
Organization by project owners
Alternatively, you can organize your top-level labels by project owners:
|-- BOB'S CASES | | | |-- CASE_1 | |-- CASE_2 | |-- |-- NAOMI'S CASES | | | |-- CASE_334 | |-- CASE_335 | |-- CASE_336 | |-- ...
As the first setup, admin (or owner of shares) should create ACTIVE PROJECTS and ARCHIVED PROJECTS in their Gmail account.
Then you should create sub-labels under ACTIVE PROJECTS and ARCHIVED PROJECTS. So your label structure will look like this:
|-- ACTIVE PROJECTS | | | |-- Project 2108959 | |-- Project 2108310 | |-- Project 2338310 | |-- | |-- ARCHIVED PROJECTS | | | |-- Project 2123434 | |-- Project 2108410 | |-- Project 2333320 | |-- ...
Now, you need just share labels ACTIVE PROJECTS and ARCHIVED PROJECTS with your team and viola: everyone has access to the same information and of all the conversations taking place on the email threads.
Once the project is finished the sub-label belonging to the case can be shifted under label ARCHIVED PROJECTS and then you have a history you can refer back to you, but at the same time does not clutter up your inbox and can be shared with anyone else in future in case it needs to be referred back to.
And when you get a new case just create a sub-label under ACTIVE PROJECTS and all members of your team will see that new sub-label.
Setup of ASSIGNED label and sublabels (optional)
The ASSIGNED label is optional.
The ASSIGNED label provides a clear way to manage task delegation within your team. This label signifies which team member is currently overseeing a specific case. Under the “ASSIGNED” label, there will be sub-labels that list each team member, creating a structured system as illustrated below:
|-- ASSIGNED | | | |-- bob@ | |-- naomi@ | |-- jesica@ | |-- | |-- unassigned
For instance, when Bob begins to address a specific email, it will be labeled as ‘ASSIGNED/bob@’. This is complementary to the PROJECT label it may already have, such as ACTIVE PROJECTS/Project 2108959. Thus, a particular email might have dual labels as:
The above means:
- the email is related to project Project 2108959
- the email is assigned to Bob
To reassign an email from ‘bob@’ to ‘naomi@’, simply remove the ‘ASSIGNED/bob@’ label and apply the ‘ASSIGNED/naomi@’ label instead.
For configuring sharing within your team, please follow the instructions provided here.
Exclude certain sub-labels from sharing and define permissions
If you do not want to share all sub-labels or you do not want that all users have same permissions, then you can: