ChatGPT Sidebar: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

ChatGPT Sidebar by cloudHQ offers a seamless browsing experience in Chrome and Edge, powered by OpenAI’s advanced technology. To ensure users make the most of its features, we’ve compiled a set of FAQs addressing its compatibility, rewriting capabilities, translation support, and grammar correction accuracy.

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How to save ChatGPT prompts and use them directly in Gmail

Snippets are brief segments of text that can be expanded upon use and can be used to personalize responses without the use of auto-responders. To create a library of ChatGPT prompts in Gmail, users can follow simple steps such as installing the necessary extensions and creating shortcuts, names, and content for each snippet.

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What is ChatGPT prompt library

The ChatGPT Prompt Library offers an array of pre-crafted queries and inspirations to enhance your interaction with ChatGPT. It’s designed to assist in various activities, including storytelling, acquiring knowledge, or seeking guidance.

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What are the benefits of Gmail conversation view being turned On or Off?

Turning off Gmail’s conversation view allows for easier individual email management and can prevent important messages from being overlooked, especially beneficial for those receiving a high volume of emails. Conversely, enabling conversation view helps in keeping conversations neatly organized, making it simpler to track discussions and significantly reducing inbox clutter for a smoother email experience.

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How to set up a website and URL for favicon

To ensure your website’s favicon is correctly recognized and utilized across various platforms, it must be a square image, ideally in multiples of 48px size like 48x48px, or in SVG format maintaining a 1:1 aspect ratio. Furthermore, by inserting a specific tag in your website’s header, you can link to your favicon’s URL, enhancing your site’s visibility and brand consistency in browser tabs, bookmarks, and search results.

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How to create a proper favicon

To create a favicon, start by designing a simple and recognizable icon using software like Adobe Illustrator. Then, resize your icon to multiple dimensions and convert it to the ICO format, ensuring it looks sharp across different devices.

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How do I merge two worksheets into one?

For example, we have two jobs exporting email messages from particular labels into two different Google Sheets, as shown in the cloudHQ dashboard The cloudHQ jobs create two existing spreadsheets for exporting emails: label Name label Test Firstly, we need to create a destination Google Sheet named “SpreadsheetMerge” manually: Secondly, we use the IMPORTRANGE function […]

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