How to adjust time granularity option for sync pairs with Egnyte

To optimize data synchronization and manage API call limits when using cloudHQ with Egnyte, it’s important to adjust the sync frequency settings. Options range from every 24 hours to every 1 minute, allowing users to balance between keeping data up-to-date and minimizing API usage. Strategies include choosing less frequent syncs for non-critical data, increasing frequency for real-time needs, and finding a balanced approach for typical use cases. Effective management involves evaluating data needs, monitoring API usage, and adjusting settings for optimal performance.

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How to exclude folders from the sync

Here is how to exclude certain folders from your sync. Select “Sync & Backup” tab Select sync pair: Click on Modify Options: Click on Exclude folders from sync and de-select folders you do not want to be sync’d: Untick or de-select folders you do not want to be sync’d:

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How to ensure that the cloudHQ sync pair will do a backup?

To lear more about cloudHQ backup and real time data protection please refer to the following support notes: How cloudHQ backup can protect against cryptolockers (encrypting ransomwares) How does cloudHQ backup (real-time data protection) work? When creating sync pairs between cloud services in cloudHQ, you have the option to back up all files in the process. […]

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