To find out more about Save Emails as PDF, click here.
To install Save Emails as PDF, click here.
To start our wizard to save emails as PDFs, click here.

Save Emails by cloudHQ can save all emails in a Gmail label to a single PDF document. This PDF document is admissible as a legal document or evidence in courts.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to do that:

  1. Login into
  2. Go to the dashboard and select the Save Emails as PDF icon
  3. Start the wizard for saving emails to PDF
  4. Select the option Backup or Save Email Messages to PDF
  5. Select a Gmail label and click on Continue:
  6. Select backup options and start the save.
    To get all emails into one PDF document ensure that the option Merge all messages/conversations into PDF is selected.

save email; save email correspondence; save email exchange; backup to PDF;