Managing your Gmail inbox can be challenging, especially when trying to keep track of sent emails. One effective method to automate the labeling of sent emails is by using the BCC (blind copy) feature, combined with Gmail filters and the AutoBCC extension offered by cloudHQ. This article will guide you through the process of setting up this system to ensure that your sent emails are automatically labeled and organized.

What is BCC (Blind Carbon Copy)?

BCC, or blind carbon copy, allows you to send a copy of an email to someone without the primary recipients knowing. You can utilize this feature to create a system where every sent email is automatically copied to your inbox, allowing you to apply labels and filters for better organization.

Step 1: Configure AutoBCC Extension

The AutoBCC extension from cloudHQ, when used alongside Gmail’s filtering and labeling functions, provides a method to automate the organization of labels for outgoing emails, thereby making the management process of labaling more efficient.

  1. Install AutoBCC Extension:

  2. Set Up AutoBCC Rules:

    • Open the AutoBCC extension from your browser toolbar. Or you go directly to your Auto BCC for Gmail dashboard:
    • Create a new rule by specifying the conditions under which an email should be BCC’d.
    • You can set rules based on the recipient’s email address, subject line, or other criteria.
    • Save the rule, and AutoBCC will automatically add your email address to the BCC field whenever the conditions are met.

By following these steps, every email you send (and BCC to yourself) will automatically be sent to your email address according to the filter criteria you set up.

Step 2: Create Gmail Filters and Apply Labels to BCC’d Emails

Once your AutoBCC rules are in place, you can refine your Gmail filters to apply different labels based on the specific rules set.

Each email that you send, which satisfies the AutoBCC rules, will also come to your inbox. This means you will receive a copy of the sent email in your inbox. To organize these emails, you can create filters that will automatically label these sent emails which are in inbox.

  • Create Filter Based on BCC Rule and Apply a Label:

    • In Gmail settings, go to Filters and Blocked Addresses.
    • Click on Create a new filter.
    • Enter the criteria that match the BCC rules you set in AutoBCC. For example, if you want to create a filter that labels all messages you receive from your own email address and the field “To” contains the recipient’s email address, enter your email address in the “From” field and the recipient’s email address in the “To” field.
    • Select Create filter with this search.
    • Choose the appropriate label to apply to these email messages.
    • Click Create filter.

By leveraging the combination of Gmail’s BCC feature, filters, and the cloudHQ AutoBCC extension, you can efficiently automate the labeling of your sent emails. This system will help you maintain a well-organized inbox, ensuring that important communications are easily accessible and properly categorized.
