Here is how you can add your own branding to Video Email with our chrome extension:

Install Chrome extension

  1. Install cloudHQ Chrome browser extension Video Email by cloudHQ from this location:
    chrome extension
  2. Add the extension to Chrome so you have the “Record” button in your Gmail:
    chrome extension

Add your own branding in Video Email from your Dashboard

  1. From Gmail, you should see a new cloudHQ icon in the top right-hand corner:
    chrome extension
  2. Click Go to Dashboard:
    Go to Dashboard
  3. Once you’re on your dashboard, you’ll see a list of the cloudHQ Chrome extensions you have installed. Click “Free Video Email for Gmail”:
    chrome extension
  4. Notice there’s a “Customization and Branding” button. Click it:
    chrome extension
  5. Add your image by uploading it where it says “Choose File”:
    chrome extension
  6. You can add your custom display message in the box labeled “Display text.”:
    chrome extension
  7. You can also click on a color rectangle and choose your preferred colors from the color wheel. Make sure to save your changes by clicking on “Save Changes”:
    chrome extension
  8. Compose your email, then click the video icon on the bottom of your email menu to start your Video Email recording by cloudHQ:
    chrome extension