The Between two lines, Multiple lines after line, and Multiple lines before line can include the matched line into returned results.
Export Emails to Google Sheets
How to & Use Cases(42)
Email Parsing(15)
Options and Customization(13)
Sheets Tutorials(15)
Email parsing: How to extract only text between two lines
How to use the editor to extract text between two lines.
Email parsing: How do we extract flight latitude and longitude coordinates from received Flightradar24 email alerts using parsing rules?
Here is an explanation of how we extract flight latitude and longitude coordinates from received flightradar24 email alerts using parsing rules for Export Emails to Google Sheets.
Google Sheets tutorial: FAQ about Google Sheets
Miscellaneous general questions and answers about Google Sheets.
Google Sheets tutorial: How to use to automatically create a new sheet with data from rows matching your query
Here are the instructions on how to automatically create separate sheets with data from rows matching your query. The sheet will be created using Google Apps Script and populated using Google Sheets’ FILTER function. This efficient approach ensures that any changes made to the main sheet’s data are automatically reflected in the individual sheets.
Google Sheets tutorial: How to change timezone of the Google Spreadsheet
When you change the time zone of a spreadsheet, it changes the spreadsheet’s default dates to be shown in your specified timezone. On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets. Click File and then Settings. Under General, click the Time zone menu to change your settings. Click Save settings.
Google Sheets tutorial: Import the data from multiple Google Spreadsheets into the one
Some examples of how to parse cells using Google Sheets formulas and functions
Google Sheets tutorial: How to use Google Sheets FILTER formula to populate multiple sheets based on a criteria
The Google Sheets FILTER formula can be used to populate multiple sheets with filtered data based on specific criteria. To do this, you must first create a source sheet with a consistent structure and header row, containing the data you want to filter and distribute to other sheets. Next, create the destination sheets with the same structure as the source sheet, including a header row and the same number of columns.
Google Sheets tutorial: How to create a new Google sheet (tab)
Some examples of how to parse cells using Google Sheets formulas and functions
Google Sheets tutorial: How to add cells with data using Google Sheets formulas and functions
Some examples of how to parse cells using Google Sheets formulas and functions