How to delete a tab

If you accidentally added a tab, don’t worry! They’re as easy to remove as they are to make. All you need to do is edit your tabs to remove the ones you don’t want.

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How to rename a tab

Rename tab option provides an ability to give a user-friendly name of the selected tab. By default, tab names are given names of Gmail filters or labels, such as “label:inbox or is:starred”, “label:support and is:unread”, and so on. If you have complex Gmail filters, finding specific tabs can get tricky. However, you can assign a name to each tab so you can easily find the tab you want. It’s quite simple, and we’ll show you how.

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cloudHQ Apps

Why do you need cloudHQ Gmail Productivity Tools?
We all hate email, but still, spend most of our day there. Because of that, we created over 40 Gmail productivity tools to help keep you be productive in the email. So you can easily
save your emails to PDF, share email labels, track email opening, snooze emails, send email campaigns, etc. List of all cloudHQ extensions …

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Email parsing: What is an advanced parsing rule?

An advanced parsing rule in the cloudHQ sheets dashboard editor is a rule that defines how exporting process should process and interpret a particular type of data in a Gmail message. Advanced parsing rules are used to improve data interpretation accuracy, and enable the program to process data more efficiently. These types of rules are […]

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