NOTE: If you are looking to install the Gmail Tabs Chrome extension, please read Getting Started with Gmail Tabs.

The option to rename a tab allows you to assign a user-friendly name to any selected tab. By default, tab names are given the names of Gmail filters or labels, such as “label:inbox or is:starred“, “label:support and is:unread“, and so on.

If you have complex Gmail filters, finding specific tabs can get tricky! However, you can customize the name of each tab so you can easily find the tab you want. It’s quite simple—here’s how.

How to Rename a Tab in Four Steps

  1. To rename a tab, click the ‘Edit‘ icon under your Gmail sign-in:
    chrome extension
  2. Click the ‘Rename tab‘ pencil icon to the right of the tab that you want to rename:
    chrome extension
  3. Type your desired display name for the tab and click ‘Save‘:
    chrome extension
  4. Finally, click on the ‘Done‘ button… and you’re done!
    chrome extension