NOTE: The required extension needs to be installed as explained here: Save to PDF
NOTE: If you want to convert a single email as PDF to Box, please check the following support note: Save a single email to Box.

cloudHQ can save multiple Gmail emails as PDF in the following conversion types:

  • Save each conversation in a separate PDF: Export each email into separate PDF files
  • Merge all conversation into one PDF: Merge multiple emails into a single PDF file
  • Save only attachments: This will not save email body and only attachments will be saved to Box

Here is how you to save multiple Gmail or Google Apps emails as PDF to Box:

    1. Choose emails by clicking on the tick box on the left side of Gmail
      chrome extension
    2. You will notice the ‘Box’ button appear on your Gmail or Google Apps mail:
      chrome extension
    3. Click the ‘Box’ dropdown icon to see selection:
      chrome extension
    4. Choose the type of conversion you want for emails:
      chrome extension

If you get this notification, it means you will need to authorize Box:
chrome extension

      • Click “Add Box Account”:
      • This will display for a few seconds and automatically redirect to Box:
      • Sign into your Box account:
      • Authorize cloudHQ in Box:

Then go back to your email and click the “Save to Box” button.

    1. Select the Box folder where you want to save your Gmailâ„¢ or Google Apps email:
      chrome extension


    1. Click “Save” once you have chosen a location in Box:
      chrome extension


    1. You will get a message that your Gmail or Google Apps email is being saved to Box:chrome extension


    1. Your email is saved now in Box. Click “this” if you want to check in Box:
      chrome extension


    1. If you click “this” you will be redirected to Box. Your Gmail or Google Apps email is now saved in Box:
      chrome extensionchrome extension